1. (FAST '21) Rethinking File Mapping for Persistent Memory

    This work focuses on the bottleneck of file-mapping in NVM filesystems.

    2021/03/15 PM

  2. About Data Hotness in Hybrid Storage Systems

    Intro With the development of storage device, lots of novel stuff come to world, including NAND SSD, Optane 3D XPoint, STT-RAM… Personal machines have already multi-level storage: SRAM on CPU L2/L2 cache, DRAM on CPU's DIMMs, SSD to accelerate operating system, and HDD to storage big file like media, movie.

    2021/03/14 System

  3. (OSDI '20) Assise: Performance and Availability via NVM Colocation in a Distributed File System

    Paper notes about Assise, a distributed FS on NVM. Assise keeps data & metadata in clients (opposite to disaggregation) to enble fast recovery and high perf.

    2020/12/05 PM

  4. (OSDI '20) Fast RDMA-based Ordered Key-Value Store using Remote Learned Cache

    paper notes about XStore[1] from SJTU, which uses learned cache (aka learned index[2]) for distributed DRAM KVS.

    2020/11/20 System

  5. (OSDI '20) Persistent State Machines for Recoverable In-memory Storage Systems with NVRam

    paper notes about Persimmon[1] from UCB & MSR uses state machine scheme to utilize PM to add persistence to in-mem storage systems

    2020/11/20 PM

  6. (OSDI '20) 大规模键值存储系统的负载特性分析

    主要讨论osdi 20一篇来自Twitter和CMU的工业界大规模键值存储负载特性的工作[1]。在这之前12年有一篇来自facebook的类似负载特性工作[3]。这篇博客讲讲这两篇工作。

    2020/11/13 System

  7. RDMA + KVS


    2020/11/10 System

  8. (ToS 20) TH-DPMS: Design and Implementation of an RDMA-enabled Distributed Persistent Memory Storage System

    TH-DPMS: Design and Implementation of an RDMA-enabled Distributed Persistent Memory Storage System, 舒继武老师组的新工作,发在ToS 2020。 关于RDMA+PM的分布式存储系统,在一些sota方法的基础上搭建了一个分布式PM系统,以及之上的FS和KVS

    2020/11/07 PM

  9. (ATC 20) Disaggregating Persistent Memory and Controlling Them Remotely

    Abs Clover,一个基于RDMA+NVM后端的分布式键值存储系统。通过MDS+DS(MS+DN)的分离元数据与数据的设计,进行运算和存储解耦,提升扩展性。

    2020/10/02 System

  10. A Survey of Distributed Systems on NVM

    (9.29 update Octopus)在NVM上的单机存储系统有很多,如BPFS,NOVA[1],Ziggurat,FlatStore,SLM-DB,HiKV等等(可移步:Non-Volatile Main Memories File Systems系列 - nan01ab)。那么应该如何通过InfiniBand等网络的RDMA(Remote Direct Memory Access)环境来构建出分布式的NVM系统呢?类似Ceph和Gluster这样流行的系统也可以使用在RDMA+PM上,但效果并不是很好,后文将简单介绍一些相关的工作。

    2020/09/24 PM