
2024 (2)

  1. 12-05 Erasure Coding + Disaggregated Memory
  2. 12-04 Erasure Coding NIC Offload

2023 (2)

  1. 10-10 Data Movement with DMA/DSA Offloading
  2. 10-09 SW Prefetch in System&DB

2022 (2)

  1. 09-29 Fault Tolerance of Persistent Memory
  2. 03-12 QoS on Persistent Memory Systems

2021 (16)

  1. 10-19 RDMA+NVM remote persistence
  2. 10-11 (SC '21) LogECMem: Coupling Erasure-Coded In-memory Key-Value Stores with Parity Logging
  3. 09-17 (VLDB '22) PM + Learned Index
  4. 08-01 (ATC '21, SDC' 20) Use PM as cache in industry
  5. 07-27 (ATC '21) One-sided RDMA-Conscious Extendible Hashing for Disaggregated Memory
  6. 07-16 (ATC '21) Characterizing and Optimizing Remote Persistent Memory with RDMA and NVM
  7. 06-30 Some eADR related works
  8. 06-23 (ICDCS '21) StripeMerge: Efficient Wide-Stripe Generation for Large-Scale Erasure-Coded Storage
  9. 06-23 Erasure Coding in DRAM -- part 1
  10. 06-22 (FAST '21) Exploiting Combined Locality for Wide-Stripe Erasure Coding in Distributed Storage
  11. 06-10 (SIGMOD '21) Spitfire: A Three-Tier Buffer Manager for Volatile and Non-Volatile Memory
  12. 04-10 (ToS '20, ICPP '18) Cache What You Need to Cache: Reducing Write Traffic in Cloud Cache via “One-Time-Access-Exclusion” Policy
  13. 03-27 (FAST '20) Characterizing, Modeling, and Benchmarking RocksDB Key-Value Workloads at Facebook
  14. 03-17 (FAST '21) The Storage Hierarchy is Not a Hierarchy: Optimizing Caching on Modern Storage Devices with Orthus
  15. 03-15 (FAST '21) Rethinking File Mapping for Persistent Memory
  16. 03-14 About Data Hotness in Hybrid Storage Systems

2020 (14)

  1. 12-05 (OSDI '20) Assise: Performance and Availability via NVM Colocation in a Distributed File System
  2. 11-20 (OSDI '20) Fast RDMA-based Ordered Key-Value Store using Remote Learned Cache
  3. 11-20 (OSDI '20) Persistent State Machines for Recoverable In-memory Storage Systems with NVRam
  4. 11-13 (OSDI '20) 大规模键值存储系统的负载特性分析
  5. 11-10 RDMA + KVS
  6. 11-07 (ToS 20) TH-DPMS: Design and Implementation of an RDMA-enabled Distributed Persistent Memory Storage System
  7. 10-02 (ATC 20) Disaggregating Persistent Memory and Controlling Them Remotely
  8. 09-24 A Survey of Distributed Systems on NVM
  9. 09-16 (ASPLOS '20) FlatStore: An Efficient Log-Structured Key-Value Storage Engine for Persistent Memory
  10. 09-10 (OSDI '06, SOSP '19)也谈Ceph
  11. 04-20 (FAST '20) HotRing: A Hotspot-Aware In-Memory Key-Value Store
  12. 02-21 Slab: An Object-Caching Kernel Memory Allocator
  13. 01-09 (ATC '18) Key-Value Storage: HashKV
  14. 01-03 (FAST '16, TOS '17) Key-Value Storage: WiscKey

2019 (7)

  1. 12-21 Key-Value Storage: Log Structured-Merge Tree
  2. 09-24 KD-Tree
  3. 08-16 虚拟试衣(二)
  4. 07-30 (CVPR '18, ECCV '18) VITON系列工作:虚拟试衣
  5. 07-23 (CVPR '18) ST-GAN:用GAN (STN)来生成组合图片
  6. 06-19 Basic Machine Learning Method
  7. 03-27 DL, ML One Hundred Tips

2018 (5)

  1. 11-22 Ensemble+GAN:对抗式生成网络遇上集成学习
  2. 10-24 ECCV 2018 GAN相关文章
  3. 10-06 (CVPR '18) Social GAN:利用GAN来帮助预测行人运动轨迹
  4. 09-22 如何评价GANs的效果?
  5. 07-11 生成式对抗网络(GAN)的网络模型历史工作学习整理

2017 (3)

  1. 10-12 关于高德地图安卓SDK的一些使用细节(Marker与缩放地图)
  2. 07-21 onHiddenChanged方法使用解释
  3. 07-13 解决菜单(Menu)添加Icon无效问题