(OSDI '20) Fast RDMA-based Ordered Key-Value Store using Remote Learned Cache

2020/11/20 System

paper notes about XStore[1] from SJTU, which uses learned cache (aka learned index[2]) for distributed DRAM KVS.


  • 7 RTT for 100M KVS with tree index -> slow
  • big index tables do bad to caching
    • high miss rate
    • cost clients’ mem

learned index: a machine learning approach to approximate the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the keys in the tree index, which save searching cost in tree index and parameters storage cost. image.png



  • update, insert…: server centric -> two-side RPC
  • get: client centric -> O(1) with learned cache

learned cache:

  • like learned index
  • index traversal -> cal
  • smaller index model than index tree, which is good for client caching

learned index works for a sorted & static array. (range query)

GET steps:

  1. key => model => a guaranteed space (value addr)
  2. clients fetch all keys in this space, and get the true key.
  3. another READ for the corresponding value



  • 1 RTT for lookup
  • small memory cost

BUT index trees are not static!

server side

server side maintain a hybrid structure: B+Tree + Model

  • virtual leaf nodes for insert
  • key&value are stored seperately but continuously. Read value by offset from its key
  • logical addr in leaf nodes are not sorted (just sorted logically)
  • a 2 level XModel (NN+LR) predicts a position sorted range from a key.
  • insertion make array unsorted: a translation table(TT) maps logical addr to the phsical, which would be cached partially in clients
  • model use RMI[2] to reduce re-train costs.



  • top level assign keys to sub-models
  • sub-models predict positions with min& max error. A sub-model owns a TT and a logical space.
  • due to small sub-model size and simplicity(LR), training is fast
    • 8μs for retraining
    • 8s for training the entrie cache

Index Tree

XTree use an HTM-based concurrent B+tree[3][4] to ensure atomicity with high perf

I konw little about HTM, so u better go to read 5.3 in the paper…


  • traverse XTree, and update value inplace. so it will not change index.
  • optimaztion: update msgs carry position predicted by client’s learned cache to reduce server’s load


  • normal B+tree moves kv pairs to keep them sorted.
  • XTree doesn’t keep it within a leaf node. Since READ would read a whole leaf node, it won’t effect READ.
  • set flags and rewrite data for DELETE to avoid changing index
  • when node split, increment incarnation (kind of some flags to indicate inconsistency), and retrain model

Based ops above, a stale TT can still maps correctly as long as accesses are not overlapped with split nodes.

Optimization trick:

  • speculative execution. Clients can try to read data from stale TT entry, since half of old data still reside in this node. If miss, then read data from right-link. Good for insert-dominated workloads.
  • Model expansion from XIndex[5] to handle growing kvs size.

scale out

refer to [6]. Also need to use boundary key augmentation.
Clients keep one learned cache for each server. Use a particularly partitioning func to choose server.

When a SCAN across many servers:

  • collecting nodes across different servers, serially?
  • one RDMA_READ for each server

read can also use that partitioning func? i don’t get it

client side

clients need to cache 2 components

  1. model
  2. the table (most of space)


  • GET
    • use XModel to predict a position range (mostly a single leaf node with $N$ slots)
    • get real addr by TT
    • read keys by one RDMA_READ with RDMA doorbell batching
    • scan and identify keys is valid or existent, then read value by another RDMA_READ.
    • if keys or TT entries are invalid, start to update local model and TT
  • Scan
    • look up related leaf nodes to determine the remote address
    • read related leaf nodes with both keys and values by RDMA_READ


learned index use monotonic models to identify existence.
So non-existent keys would cause some problems:
  model can’t predict untrained area. e.g LR0 can’t handle LR0(10)

solution: “data augmentation”:
  train models with a boundary key, so model can predict correct boundary. e.g. LR1(19)=>(18,20)

not the typical data augmentation….


  • model size: 500K LR(14B*500K)
  • senstive to workload’s pattern (complex↑ -> ↓)
  • compared with tree-index caching, cache size 600MB->150MB
  • if use 1% cache size -> only 20% perf loss


benefits from no server CPU bottleneck and reduced network cost. Bigger advantage when uniform workloads (hot data is easy to cache, and the real workload..


  • fixed key-lens
    • use hash to encode variable-length keys

      just like fatcache

  • model selection: LR is not so good, though good for retraining
    • complex data distribution

      just trade off between acc&cost


  1. Wei, Xingda, Rong Chen, and Haibo Chen. “Fast RDMA-based Ordered Key-Value Store using Remote Learned Cache.” 14th {USENIX} Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation ({OSDI} 20). 2020.
  2. Kraska, Tim, et al. “The case for learned index structures.” Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data. 2018.
  3. Wang, Zhaoguo, et al. “Using restricted transactional memory to build a scalable in-memory database.” Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Computer Systems. 2014.
  4. 硬件事务内存(Hardware Transactional Memory, HTM)

    在具体实现时有2个要点: 1. 使用处理器内部的事务cache来存放事务执行过程中更新的数据,这一类的经典代表:TCC 2. 使用cache一致性协议来检测事务之间共享数据访问的冲突,这一类的经典代表:LogTM.
    from https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/151425608

  5. Tang, Chuzhe, et al. “XIndex: a scalable learned index for multicore data storage.” Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. 2020.
  6. Ziegler, Tobias, et al. “Designing distributed tree-based index structures for fast RDMA-capable networks.” Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Management of Data. 2019.


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